Jokes I like - Part 1
Husband & Wife - Why divorce?
In a divorce court a woman requested the judge: "Your honor, I want to divorce my husband.""But why ?" asked the judge. She replied, "Because he is not faithful to me."The judge asked, "How do you know ?"She replied, "My lord, not a single child resembles him."
Husband & Wife - Love Your EnemyFrom his death bed, the husband called his wife and said,"One month after I die I want you to marry Samy.""Samy! But he is your enemy !""Yes, I know that ! I've suffered all these years so let him suffer now."
Husband & Wife - Wedding RingAt the cocktail party, one woman said to another,"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger? " The other replied, "Yes I am, I married the wrong man."
Husband & Wife - Why?" Dad, I was away for a week. Yesterday I sent a fax to my wife I'd be home that night, and when I got into my room I found my wife in another man's arms. " Why, Dad ? Tell me why!"Dad kept silent for a few minutes, then coolly said, "Maybe, Son, she didn't get the fax."
Husband & Wife - Same Service A husband visited a marriage counselor and said, "When we were first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years it's all different, I come home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking." "Why complain?" said the counselor. "You're still getting the same service!"
Husband & Wife - Talk About HusbandOne woman told another : "My neighbor is always speaking ill of her husband, but look at me, my husband is foolish, lazy and a coward; but have I ever said anything bad about him?"
Husband & Wife - Love To DoA wife, one evening, drew her husband's attention to the couple next door and said, "Do you see that couple? How devoted they are? He kisses her every time they meet. Why don't you do that?" "I would love to." Replied the husband. "But I don't know her well enough."
Husband & Wife - No Answer BackA man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts shouting at me, my children and even at our dogs and nobody dares answer her." One of his friends asked." And when you are angry, what do you do?"The man replied, "I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer back.
Husband & Wife - Come Home LateA woman was complaining to the neighbor that her husband always came home late, no matter how she tried to stop him."Take my advice," said the neighbor, "and do what I did. Once my husband came home at three o'clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: "Is that you, Jim?" And that cured him."Cured him !" asked the woman, "but how?"The neighbor said, "You see, his name is Bill."
Husband & Wife - Problem Father"You looked troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?"He replied, "I'm going to be a father.""But that's wonderful," I said. "What's wonderful? My wife doesn't know about it yet.
Super Longggg Weekend
Hehe, yesterday was the start of my super super long weekend lorr... Apparently, I've taken leave on the 3rd-5th Jan... So I'll only start work on the 8th... Haha, those who see my entry dun envy me ok...
Anyway, wanted to put up this entry yesterday, but I whole day nua @ home, din want to do anything... Sleep, wake up for lunch, sleep, wake up & meet up wif MJQ and help her out on her Project, went home sleep, wake up for dinner, sleep, wake up watch TV, went out with Martell go TPG pray, had supper @ Geylang, den head home & more sleep.. Wake up only 12.15pm... hehe
Haiz, dunno what to do for this new year 2008.... Brother Martell, going thailand with colleagues on 31st morning, sister Abaling having countdown function @ Hougang, Sister Corny went missing.... Siao liao lorr... Nevermind, stay home and zzzzzz again la...
Think my life more n more Ah Pek liao....
Hard Work
Phew, I spent yesterday's evening setting up a new shoe rack, which I bought from IKEA... I really liked the way it can be configured and I do it my style.... Becoz I had a messy space where all my famuly shoes are placed, I feel very 'Pek Chek'.... I wanted to do something.... And this is what I did....

This is the overall view

And this with the shelves..
My 4.5 hrs is worth it!!!!
2 months to puuurrrrfect eyesight
Just made an appointment for a Lasik eye test on 5 Jan. Very excited although it's still 3 weeks away... But there's always gain and loss.... Becoz I broke my glasses (sat on them and the sides dropped off), therefore I'll be half-blind for a week, before the test... There's a requirement that no wearing of contact lens 1 week before the test is to be conducted... It's only a suitability test, already got restrictions...
Hopefully I pass this test, recommended by the doctor that I can go for the test, then my dream of having GOOD eyesight will come true... :P No more contact lenses hassle, poking in the eye, dried eyes, etc... Wonderful!! But it'll only be ok if I pass the test la...
Total cost of the Lasik?? Estimated to be $3,500 to $4,000 cash.... :( But if can get better eyesight, why not?? Jia you!!! :P
Dinner with Fish&Chips
Just came back from Starbucks, where I had some drinks with my 10 year long friendship - Fish&Chips, in short F&C.... Why I call her F&C is becoz she went Melbourne, ate too much F&C, and got many volcanos on her face....
Went dinner with her @ TM food court + dessert... Quite surprised that she never had soursop dessert before... Haiz, poor thing... Lucky for her, got me to intro this nice stuff to her lorr... After which, we went to Starbucks, chatted about many stuff.... Ranging from work, r/s (personal and general), recent happenings, etc, etc....
During the conversation, she rekindled the beautiful memories which I had with YY previously... Re-thought that if it wasn't for Da Bao, I wouldn't had been together with YY (someone whom I've liked during my Sec 5 days). But suprisingly, when I tried to think of what I had with Da Bao, there's nothing.... But for YY, beautiful memories are still deep in my mind... It's been at least 2 years now, but somehow they are still fresh on my mind....
F&C den ask me whether is that the end between me and YY?? I told her that I do not want to be a third party.... Being many in my life, I think I should stop this (regardless I'm cursed or what) I do not want this to happen again.... I can feel that YY is now very xin fu, and I do not want to disturb her life... She should lead the life she wants and enjoys it with the person she loves.... For now, I only hope that YY and I are at least, frenz... Whether or not I'll have another chance or what, it'll depends on fate already.... I only knows that if fates wants to bring us together again, it'll happens... If not, no matter how much I try, is oso useless.... I dun want things to turn out ugly until we are not even frenz... Which is why, till now, I haven't gone out with her again.... But F&C begs to differ, she says if I dun try how I know?? At least should do something ma.... I oso dunno... I think life is full of dilemmas.... You want to do something, but you are afraid.... But if you dun do it, you are afraid you miss the chance or din try.... For me towards YY, I really stuck.... I onli know that she's very happy in whatever she's doing, and I'm really happy for her.... :P
Sometimes, seeing YY is msn, I dun even know what to say to her.... Dun tok to her, abit wierd... Tok already, oso wierd, dunno what more to say..... Maybe is I hurt her too deep, she oso sianz and can't be bothered.... I tried msn-ing her before, tok to her awhile, den got cold shoulder, den I know I should leave the conversation... That is why sometimes, if I see her busy status, den I go online, then for awhile I log off liao....
Well, I think that's life lorr.... You tend to be regretful for something which you done or not done.... In the end, it most important that whatever decisons you made, you should be fair to the person.... Which in my case, thought to be right... but wrong....
2nd Anniversary
Phew, finally my workplace's 2nd anniversary was over.... I'm part of the organising team doing up this event, especially on collecting money... :P Haha, actually that's what I'm good at... :P Other than that, have to prepare the sound system (bought that only in the afternoon) and setting up..
During the commencement of the event, I was helping out to ensure that things go accordingly as planned.... As expected, no matter how much planning you made, things sure go out of hand... I'll like to name a few....
1) Our VVIP, due to work, was late... Dinner was supposed to start 2000H, but instead, at 2030H... Every1 was hungry and me and Botak is stressed.... Finally Boss give the clearance to start dinner at 2030H, which appeased every1...
2) While preparing for the plagues for the best WSO & AOSS.... Botak saw his name, and was shocked.... Somehow, being near to the presentation table.... I was curious who got it this year... I was thinking it shouldn't be me, coz I got it last year (since I went for the interview and represented my work place) and this year, Ah Fat, went for the interview... So I suppose it should be him... When I saw my name, I was shocked oso... Really din expect to get it.... Some1 more appropriate should be Ganja as he contributed quite alot too.... But I believe next year, he should get it... :P
Although my boss(es) recognizes the work I put in, but I only recognize money!!! So I'll rather have a promotion than this.... Haiz, but what to do.... Who ask me reject the 2nd contract... If not, chances of me getting promoted is alot more higher.... But nevertheless, I would like to thank a few persons, coz without them, I won't be able to get this award oso... They are: Auntie, Silver Lion, Tyrant, Ganja, Dynamo, Black Jack coz they have helped me in some way or another.... Once again, thank you guys.... You were great!!!
3) The sound system will get angry and auto shut-off.... Which make me panicky... I've got to react to such situations whenever it happens.... :(
4) When the food came, many complained.... Not nice, too little, too slow, were some comments made... Some keep asking whether is that all.... :( I oso not very sure coz most of the event stuff are done by Botak, especially the F&B....
5) Last but not least, is our good fren, TRIPOD!!! We got him here to help us take photos for our event, although our Pro cameraman - Dagger is always for most functions.... But becoz we wanted him to enjoy the night, we got ourselves TRIPOD... Din realize his tripod skills were so good until that night.... Where instead of helping us take photos, he went to tripod to our VVIP... Sitting beside and chatting with him.... WTF?? KNN, ask him to take photos, not to socialize ok!! When seeing him leaving his tripod seat, I went to suan him... 'Oie, today you suppose to take photo right?? Not tripod right??' He dun seem to know what I was toking, den smiled and walked away.... I damn pissed ok!!! He's a bloody mother son F***er TRIPOD... Somemore bring along a tripod so that he can take photos with high level and pretty people... KNN!! He should go take a look at the mirror man....
Only in the afternoon den I know from Botak that he's our cameraman.... If I know, I should have asked another person... Pro in photography oso lor... Better to ask a noob like TRIPOD... Haiz... Then Botak say must give people chance ma... U see la, now how??
Anyway, whenever I see Tripod, I dun like him.... It's just in his face and I just can't help it...
Hmm... Actually if without him, I think I'll enjoy myself better.... Seeing him make me boil....
After the lucky draw,I din win anything :(, we went to Part II... Went to St James in a group of 13... Went to another club, Power House, stayed there, drank there, then went home... Nothing to do much there, so finished quite early....
Overall, enjoyed myself for the night.... Maybe coz I been staying home too much...
Concert to MayDay / Pin Guan / Chen Seng
Yeah!!! Went to the concert to '
五月天' proudly sponsored by Aballing. Without her, I won't be able to go lorr... Martell and I got "PREMIER FREE STANDING" Tickets, meaning free to stand anywhere, from the stage front all the way to the toilet... I thought it'll be full house, meaning that we might be at the toilet standing area.... But to our surprise, it's only a third full...
Martell and I was clowning around, shouting for 5566 la, asking Chen Seng to go down faster, Ping Guan to go off faster, so that we can see 5566.... oppsss, I mean '
五月天'. I must say, the whole concert only waiting for them la, the other 2 are actually, to pass-by the time... Chen Seng came out 1st, den me and Martell really bored sia... But got 1 TKB and little TKK was happily dancing and cheering for him.... They really into the mood man!! Martell managed to take a not so clear picture of the TKK, but when I turn back, that TKK face black sia... :P
During the whole period, Martell really clowning lorr... Keep on shouting for 5566!! Knn, later kenna bash, go hospital, also dunno done by who sia... But they were totally not bothered, probably becoz they too siao MayDay liao.... Oh, we were lucky to celebrate Ashin, the lead singer's birthday also... They (Chen Seng, Pin Guan) sabo Ashin and wanted him to drink cough syrup (ABC Stout) becoz they are the main sponsors la....
Overall concert is good, with the entertainment on stage, and also the entertainment on ground (Martell)... :P
*Pictures will be uploaded once I get them....