Monday, May 07, 2007

Good Memories are long lasting

I was asked by my brother to send him to one of his buddy's baby shower. Since I got nothing to do then, I promised to send him there. He then told me it's @ Woodlands, blk 400+.. It did not trigger me that it was near to YY's place until he told me that it's actually near to Marsiling MRT.. Out of the sudden, I felt weak.. Dunno why this feeling but really felt abit wierd.

As I was driving towards the place, thru TPE/SLE, memories started flowing thru... It became stronger as I passed Woodlands Ave 1, when flashes of memories came through my mind.. After dropping off my brother, I suddenly had the urge to call her and ask her out for coffee or something (although I were to meet up my friend in 1/2 hours time). But not sure whether it'll be imposing on her, thus I chose to message (I know it's not very sincere, but there's some kind of fear, I suppose)

While waiting for her reply, I sub-conciously drove to her carpark... As I alighted, more memories flashed... The environment, the freshness in the air, the building... Everything seems so close to me... The only change I see is the see-saw... It used to be those very old type where there's sand and swing, and a small little corner (our favourite spot) where you can get a little privacy. it's now the new type, sandless, open, colourful... But I could still see the little old see-saw which we used to hang out...

Went and sat down on the chair (frequent spot) at the void deck and sweet old memories came back on me... Cats strolling, children voices, dog barking, etc, etc..

While waiting for her reply, these memories filled me in and I was totally immersed in it... All the sudden, I saw a familiar figure walking towards me... I was stunned... It was her... I froze a little while and managed to get myself composed.. I think I was actually mumbling the 1st few words I spoke to her... I was afraid that she might think I'm stalking her or something... She seems abit rush.. Thus, after a few words with her, I asked her where she's heading... She was going to her dad's place... I wanted to drive her, but she wanted to take a cab instead.. I din wan to put pressure on her, insisting that I drive her, thus let her take the cab. On one hand, she says she pai sey... On the other, I wanted very much to do something for her, which she's ok with... Since she's pai sey, I have to let it go...

I didn't expect to see her but it's really nice to see her again.. :P

Really hope to find one day, sit down with her, have a nice cup of coffee with her.. Skip talking about the past, but instead, talk about day-to-day stuff... As before, like friends.... :P


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