Sunday, March 18, 2007

Which is more scary??

From the movie 'Protege' where he asks 'Which is more scary? Drugs or Loneliness?'
For me, I think Drugs is more scary due to the harm made, not only to yourself but also to those around you..

My question for today is 'Which is more scary? Single or Attached?'
Of course, for each of these such questions, there are many arguments to it. For e.g. the question asked in the movie, people may say it's the loneliness which made the person takes drugs, to feel the emptiness within oneself..

I say 'Attached' is more scary... I personally think that communications between people is the scariest. Regardless of verbal or non-verbal comms, any misinterpretations might create chaos. And being attached, it means that two people with close communications. At times when everything is peaceful, sweet things happen. But when things doesn't go right, the world will fall. It is den, where it's really scary :(

Something happened just now which triggered me to write this (in fact, wanted to write some days ago, but lazy). Just now, was playing mj with my medan brother '天公仔', Sissy and Clar. During this time, both '天公仔' gf ('天公婆') and Sissy's wife (10) were entertaining themselves in the living room. Out of nowhere, 10 came into the room and said that '天公婆' is going to leave already. For the rest of us, we were totally puzzled of why the sudden reaction from her.

During this instance, it reflected to me that I haven't got a gf for 2 years already. During this period, I must admit that I do feel empty at times, but I do enjoy the peacefulness and quietness which I had been having.

I believe somehow there's some misinterpretations between the two of them and hope that they resolve any misunderstandings amongst them.

But of course having said that, I also do hope to get attached, although it's scary :D I always believe that relationships need to be worked out through (1) give and take, (2) committment and lastly (3) trust

"No $$ lagi scary" - Martell
(I couldn't agree less :P)


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