"Living Hugs"
Haven't been dreaming for a long time (at least > 6 months), and this is a story on a dream which I had yesterday night, and it goes like this....... (its abit dramatic, but it it seems so real)"有点象排戏"
War broke out, against human-kind, on the other side was - man. It was chaotic and the whole scenario was devastaed. People was running around, shouting for help, some praying... Big machines were everywhere, destroying every man it see on the streets.. Warning sirens were sounded to advise people to stay at home...
I hurriedly went home and turned on the news and saw the destruction made. Then, an advertisement showing that a company is selling solutions to be immune to the killings, i.e. a protective force shield is created, after having the jab. I'm still young and have many things-undone, therefore, decided to go for it...
Somehow, I got to the company (vivid memory, dun know how I get there also) and was waiting for my turn... Apparently, some guys came out, showing off their "new powers".. Seeing this, I'm more determined to go in for the simple op.
After which, when my turn came, I was led to another room to get my op done.. The doctor explained to me that it's only a jab, therefore, there's no need to worry... After the jab, I felt faint.. The nurse then led me to another room, where many other guys were seated. then came this big guy, who told us that the jab we had was toxic and we would die within the next 24 hours. The company is actually a set-up by the people engaging the war.. instead of spending money on weapons to kill, they use decoy like such to kill... I could see that some guys, who was here before me, started to coughing blood.. in the meantime, the big guy, has already fled..
The next moment, the sky was dark and I saw myself @ the place where the female lead (for simplicity, lets call her YY) is staying.. YY is the girl that I've been loving and the one which I've hurt and disappoint the most... Anyway, while I was @ her void deck, I was already starting to cough out blood.. I messaged her (in no condition to talk) "YY, I'll wish to see you for the last time, so I can die with no regrets". By the time I sent the message, I was already feeling very weak and lying on a bench, with a bloodied hankerchief and seemed to me that I was dying in no time..
Subsequently, I heard footsteps coming towards my direction and I saw that it was her... She came and saw and immediately hugged me.... At this moment, there an adrenalin of strength within me, but still unable to speak... She didn't ask me anything as well, but continued to hugged me tightly, like a child, unwilling to let go of its favourite toy, crying.. Miraculously, I slowly regained my consciousness and a little strength and stopped coughing... (about 1 or 2 hours or so)
I told her what happened to me and she says she'd already heard of such things happening to her friends.. She started crying and said that no one actually survived from the jab... I told her not to cry since what is done, cannot be undone. I told her that I was actually feeling better, after her hug, and was already very contented to see her, at least for the last time. I tol her I might had somehow stole some time from L W Yan against death..
I saw that she's somehow dressed for some function and asked her whether she needs to go.. She said she actually have a company's function but wanted to spend the rest of my time with me...
>> At this point of time, I woke up already... Tried hard to go back to the dream but can't...
Therefore, I hope you guys can give me some suggestions to end off this dream, beautifully.. :P
Well, maybe ba... But haven't think of her for quite sometime liao... Sometimes, even see her online oso dunno whether to talk to her... Coz somehow, can feel that things have changed btw us... But nevertheless, juz hope that she doing fine... :P Never think so much la, exams coming leh... No time to think... haha :D Btw, good luck 2 u...
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